1. 合資醫院: joint venture hospital
2. 執業執照: license
3. 兒童樂園: children’s park
4. 掛號: register at hospital
5. 劃價: have a prescription priced
6. 交費: pay
7. 取藥: get the medicine
8. 心理咨詢: psychological consultation
9. 健康教育: health education
10. 藥品差價: drug price difference
11. 民營醫院: private hospital
12. 社會資本: social capital
13. 私人診所: private clinic
14. 個體醫生: (solo) practitioner
15. 衛生機構: health agency
16. 醫療服務:medical service
17. 基礎設施: infrastructure
18. 診療設備: medical equipment
19. 技術水平: technological level
20. 收購: acquisition
21. 重組現有公立醫院: recombination (regroup) of public hospitals
22. 醫療機構: medical institutions
23. 慢性病: chronic diseases
24. 嬰幼兒保健: health care of infants
25. 相輔相成: complementary
26. 政府支持: government support
27. 財政補貼: fiscal subsidies
28. 滿腹牢騷: complaint
29. 醫患關系: doctor-patient relationship
30. 正常化: normalization
31. 管理體制: management system
32. 人事制度: personnel system
33. 環境: environment
34. 醫生預約制: the doctor appointment system