This transformation is marked by several developments. Almost all the major armed conflictsin the world today are internal, there are unfolding within (1) boundaries and typically are being fought by multiple semi-autonomous armed groups. These conflicts are(2) by a particular brand of lawlessness, cruelty and chaos. In particular, they are defined by the systematic and widespread targeting of civilian (3).(4) these situations, warring parties routinelyignore international humanitarian law, which has traditionally moderated, if not governed, the conduct of inter-state (5).
These conflicts tend to be protracted, lasting (6) if not decades, often in recurring (7),thus exposing successive genera(8) soldiers. Another feature of these conflicts is the proliferation of light-weight (9) that are easily assembled and borne by children. Moreover the (10) use of anti-personnel landmines has exacerbated the vulnerability of children in these situations.
1.A、 national B、 international C、 external D、 internal
2.A、 named B、 characterized C、 labeled D、 called