Selling Second-hand Computers
A: Hey, Damon! I have seen your advertisement on the call-board, saying that your computer is on sale.
B: Hey, Cathy! Since I have found a new-type computer, which is to my taste in all aspects, I want to sell my old one and buy the new.
A: I’m looking for an inexpensive computer because my old one doesn’t work but I have spent a lot money traveling these months. Then, How long have you used your old computer?
B: I have used it for just one year. I bought it last year.
A: And how much is it?
B: I intended to sell it on 2,000 yuan, but you can buy it on a discount of 10%. How about 1,800 yuan?
A: How about 1,500 yuan, and I can help you buy your favorite keyboard from America.
B: Then, it’s OK. I will provide home delivery service.
A: Thank you!